Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reflecting on Your Webquest

Hello Grade Fives!

You have all worked very hard on your French assignment. I would now like you to reflect on this learning. Please think carefully about your project and then respond to each of the following points:
  1. Tell me three important things you learned about our French Canadian Culture.
  2. Do you think you learned a lot or only a little?
  3. Why do you think you learned a lot or just a little?
  4. If you were to do this assignment again, what would you do differently in order to learn even more?

Once again, I look forward to reading your responses.

Love, Mrs French


platypus said...

Dear, Mrs. French

I liked my webquest. I learned that the french have a unique selection of foods, that the history dates back further than 1605, and there are hundreds of famous french Canadians. I didn't learn as much as I wanted to, because I didn't spend my time wisely, and my mom is part french. next time I will spend my time more wisely, in order to get a better mark.


Abagailia said...

Dear Mrs. French,
I learned alot about the francaphone world from this assignment. Some things I learned, a particular three, I learned alot about what they eat, and in reading the recipies and websites online in detail, that helped me out alot too. Anouther thing I learned about the francaphone world was they have many of the same traditions as us, but also, some very different ones to. They always 'behead the bottle' on specific holidays and celibrations. In addition, they also have a different language, one that originated in france. This language has been all over the place before it finnally settled in Quebec. I learnd alot, but if I had to redo this assignment, I would look into deeper depth with the language. It was very differnt, and it was interesting. I would also like to learn more about their traditions, like Jean Babsite day, It would be cool to read and explain more about this subject because they have ALOT of traditions. It would be really awsome to learn more a bout the colinists andhow they took a few amerininans back to france. It was a very cool opritunity to study the francophone world. I learned a whole bunch about the freanch and the francaphone world durind this asssignment.

Basketballgirl said...

Dear Mrs French
Have a fun time reading this messege.

Here are the answers to your quesions. Number one ...the three things are that I lerned that they eat rabbit liver and i thought they only ate roul stuff.I also lerned while i was doing it is that i did not know that people become famous by winning an award. Also i learned they have a lot of different terdisions. I think i learned a lot from this activity because I used to know nothing about French. If I where to do this agin I would look mostly a terdisions so I could lern more because i think they are realy interusting so i could get the idea so maby we could do them at home.

Have a grate day.
From Basketball girl

Taylor.S. said...

Hello Mrs.French!

I never knew that the French liked to sing as much as they do that is one of their favorite things to do. I also did not know that they perfured to eat fresh food. I also did not know that they did very much art like sculputers. I think that I learned a little but a bigger than a little. I think that I learned a little because I can berly even answer theyse questions or maby I had forgotten a little about the French assigenment.
I would try to look at history or sports those were probably the least I knew about so nextime if I did this agan I would work on those two more.
By Taylor.S.

Go Girl said...

1. I learned alot from the assignment. I learned more about the french and there history. I also learned the French are like us in so points I could connect to lots of stuff. I learned that the French are not different from us only in some ways.2.I learned alot from the French assignment.3. I think I learned alot because I understand it and have it stuk in my bairn. 4. If I were to do this assignment olver I would do it with a partner and get morer infermation.

From Paige

Mario said...

Dear Mrs. French
I have learned a hole bunch of things like I didn't know that poutine was a famous food in Quebec and I think I learned a lot of things because I had a freind as a partner. I think what I wold do is work harder than I did this webquest.

sunshine818 said...

Dear Mrs.French

These are the three things I learned in my ppt. I learned that that Gabrella Roy had won a number of prizes in school. I also learned that the french also live in japan. Also, I learned that the french celebrate the same things we celebrate e.g Eater,Christmas,and Mothers Day. I think that I learned alot. I think I learned alot because most of the stuff we looked up we did not now. Yes I would do it differently to learn more because I think I would now more about the french.

your student

Flicka said...

Good morning mrs.French how was your weekend?

These are some facts I got from the french canadian culture assignments.I learned about the french language like stop in french is arret I did not know that before.I also leared alot about the food i just thought that their food was just like ours but I was wrong I didn't know that they ate peasoup or sugar pie and I surtenly did not know they ate fruit kebabs.I did not know that french settlers from french claimed Quebec as their own land.I have learned alot from this assignment because I took the time to learn and get to know the french culture and what their history is and what they eat what the famous french canadians are and the creative works that they do.I think if I had to do this assignment over again I would put more information and look into it a bit more to some of the stuff is really interesting.These are some Of the questions that you asked and I answered them hope you enjoy.

Tigger234 said...

Good morning Mrs.French! How are you? I am great!

These are some of the results that I had on my French webquest voice thread. First, not only did I learn about the french culture but I also learned how to search for info more carfully! Also I learned a little bit more of the french language. I didn't know that the french ate pea soup and that, that soup was included deeply into there culture. Second, I think that I learned alot! Third, I think that I learned alot because when I would read for info I would be picking up those little key words that are filled with a ton of information! Fourth, if I were to do the assignment over again I would probably check over all of the voice thread slides more carfully to make sure that all of the info that we wanted on that slide was included and not cut off. I would also hope a little harder that the voice thread would work at the time that we needed it! Those were some of my results that I had throughout my voice thread.

Goofy said...

Dear MRS.French
The three things i learnd about our French Canaidian culture is that they have a ice castel sweet im gonna go there someday!!!
Second important thing is that I forgot it is one of our official languages.And lastly but definetly not the least, I didnt know that Maddonnna was french canaidian.I think in learned a little from it and why... beacuase I mostly didnt nkow all the foods.bye bye


Dear Mrs.French
I learned that in winter they make an ice hotel and that it is the biggest province in canada.I didn't learn much about it.Most of the things I all ready Knew.
Bye Bye

Tweaty Girl said...

Dear Mrs.French
I loved my webquest. I learned that the french canadians have a lot of creative works. I didn't learn as much as I wanted to, or more than I did know. I know that I spent my time wisely.

unicorn said...

It help me to learn Quebec more! I now know how to work the webquest. I might do it again. I LEARN lots about Quebec. I did't know how big Quebec is. To learn more I will look at more pictures.

P.S. P.S.
I love powerpoint

Madi said...

Dear is't Mrs. French(:,
I really like do the Webquest, because The French are pretty interesting.The French have such an interesting backrond, Their food has perfect looking flavors and that their language is so complex. I knew quite a lot of the French before so I only learned a little bit. I think I need to add more pictures sound, info and colour to attasck th ewatchers spirt and brain. The Webquest was soooooooooo interesting!
See you later:(
I love doing all the projects. But I like doin extra projects even more!!
I have more extra projects on the go!

Claire said...

dear, Mrs. French

I had alot of fun doing my French Canadian Culture ppt. Here are the anwers to the questions you asked: 1. I learned that the french ate poutine
2. i learned tha Quebec is the second largest province in canada
3. I learned tha the french had a ice hotel.
I learned alot from the webquest
I think I leaned atot because there was no questions in my head I new them off the bat because of the reasearch i did.
I would definetly do it with a partner instead of just by my self but I felt that I did well for just a sigle ming working on a ppt.
from you pulpil, Claire

Drifter said...

Dear Mrs.French three things that I learned about our French Canadian Culture is that
hockey to is a very popular sport in Qubec also that they speak a bit of english in there every day life to also that they have a famous soup called Pea Soup. For the question: do you think that you learned a little or a lot my answer is yes I do think that I learned a lot. I think that I learned alot because my partner and I put all of our free time in it and we had a lot of information in our power point. The last question that you asked was what would you do differently in order to learn even more. My answer for that is I would try to find even more information that i do not know about the French Canadians AND I would try to go to different sights that I have not yet been to.

bngy!@# said...

1. Read instrucson carefully!!!
2. How inportont an assignment is!
3. NEVER do it in partaners

i think i learned QUITE a bit of info doing the webquest, because of all the reach and it amased me att all the things they do the same and diffrent!

yes, if i were to do the webquest againg i would go depper in to what i have to do, so i do not have to keep on doing it over and over again! And then yes i think i would learn even more! Also i would LOVE to go deeper in to the history and find out whom origanated the french socitey and see if i have any ancestors in the french calture! (that would be soooooo amazing!!!!!)
Bye for now

fredy said...

Dear mrs.French I learned that the french Canadians ate such different food. I diden't now that it goes back so far.It dates back to 1605. Their traditions are dollar day may 25.

Mr.B-ball said...

Dear Mrs.French
These are my answers to the quetions.I learned a lot about the food they eat the traditions they have and some createve works they made.I think I learned a lot because now I can talk about French canadians without looking at my work.If I were to do my assingment again I would get more info.

princess said...

Hi Mrs.French

Here are three things that i have learned from the French Canadian Culture. I did not know that they have some different foods then us. it hought that they had the same food as us but i guess they do not. The seconed thig that i did not know about. i did not know that they had Famous French Canadian. I did not know that because i thought that every singer was a singer but i guess not. The third is that i did not know that they had way differnt panting then us. Their panting is all different colours and all smuged togther.

well her u go i have gave u three different subjets that i did not know well see u bye

hawaii said...

Dear Mrs French

I think I leared a lot in my French Canadian Culture. I leared a lot because me and Jaden both took turns looking up information and took turns puting the information on to the web qust. Spending more time on it and look up different web sites.

Hunter said...

I would like to lern some more about the french canadian cultur. I wood like to lern some but dont know where to go.

Runes said...

Dear Mrs. French,
I learned that francophones eat puotine. I also learned that they eat SUGAR pie:) I also learned that they have Arabic language. I only learned a bit because I already knew everything.

Darth Vader said...

Dear Mrs French

I really did not know that they ate poutine. And I did not know they ate peasoup either. And I did not know the Mona Lisa was Italian not French. I really learned a lot that is just three of the things I learned. I think I learned a lot because I put lots of work and detail into it and it took so long to finish that I think I have it memberized. Well first of all I we forgot the resources so I would add that in. And I would put a paragraph in the begininig to tell you what we where going to talk about. And I would put a Quebec population slide.

Rachel said...

Dear Mrs French
On my French assignment I learnt that the French mostly eat surten kind of meat and pie pudding, and the are realy good at pantings and singing and I also learned that the french have truditions like the ice kasole and such. i sort of learned a lot and a little. I learned what they eat,their truditions, and a little more. If i did this assignment again i would like to learn more about their history and the wors they had. thank you for being such a good teacher.

spongebob said...

Dear Mrs French
I think I learned a lot in the power point. I think I learned alot because there was lots of sreaching to do. If I did this again I would look for more info and save very freackwently.

flameguy115 said...

Yes Mike and i have worked really hard. the three important things that i have lerned that Quebec is is the size of a lot of contreis that i cant remeber, that william killed the english king and that the French have a large food selection. I only lerned a little since i new a lot before the assinment. i would have put music of my Wedquest.

timmy and the lords of the under worlds said...

I only learned about the food i got lots but i onley learned obout food sorry but i will tell you 5 or 6 things they eat, they eat poutine, creme de legumes, gateau au chocolat, yellow split pea soup, potion of crinkle-cut french fries, and cup heated chicken or beef gravey.